old farts festival guide

Top Ten Essentials                                                                                                                      1) Ticket - no ticket - no festival. Beware of those burly looking gentlemen at the entrance who may want to purchase your ticket off you

2) Money - on average I take £150 per person for a weekend.  

3) Tent - unless you are sharing with someone or intend to make some new friends!  

4) Sleeping Bag & Carry Mat - an alternative is to get so tired and just crash in the state you are in   

5) Babywipes & Sandwich bags                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          6) Handgel                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            7) 7) Toothbrush & Toothpaste    

8) More clothes - be prepared for any weather and any occasion     

9) Assorted bottle tops   

10) Mobile Phone - if you can get a signal 

Other stuff                                                                                                                                 

1) Fancy Dress costume  - if you want to get noticed - especially on TV   

2) Fluorescent Face Paint     

3) Portable charger - smart phones use a lot of power     

4) Ear Plugs - for those like to be close to the amplifiers  

5) Germoloids and/or Germoloid cream - diet is not good at these events  

6) Head Torch